сверстник Барби (toy_marker) wrote in art_links,
сверстник Барби

Получил сегодня приглашение из Африки.Что с ним делать - не знаю.Ехать надо через три недели,а времени - нет.
Буду рад ,если кого-то из художников заинтересует.Под катом - все условия и контакты.
Превед Уганде:)

Talking Compounds: Visual images addressing and highlighting community issues.

A project to establish Talking Compounds in 6 Primary and 2 Secondary schools in Kazo - Kirihura District-Western Uganda.

March 17th – April 1st 2007

Organized by

Ngoma International Artists


Community Based Initiative (CBI)

Apply to; ngomaart@yahoo.co.uk

By; 10th March 2007

Send; A short Curriculum vitae and 5 Jpg Images of your recent work or a link to your website.

Project Description

Talking compounds is a project aimed at mobilizing communities and more especially school going children to identify development issues and concerns amongst their communities. The project will involve 16 artists from the great lakes region (8 Ugandan and 8 from other countries). The artists will travel to the area in the third week of March 2007 and will hold meetings with the local authorities. They will attend a monthly market day and will develop sketches for their individual enrichment. The artists will then divide into groups of two and go into home stay arrangements. Each group will work with the school community where they are based to identify issues of concern. This will be done through participating in local meetings, school meetings and class meetings. The artists will also visit the families under the guidance of the school management to share and have a feel of community’s home activities. Once the ideas are collected, all the 16 artists will converge to create talking compounds at each school.


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