решила продублировать - просто интересно, как его воспримут фотографы/любители фотографии и художники/любители живописи.:)
Richard Bram: "We worked in her studio with her Early Renaissance-inspired multi-panel paintings and models over a period of two years from 2000 to 2002. On vacation in Umbria in the summer of 2000, Silvia and I went to Assisi to view the Giotto frescoes. Later that year I was visiting her Mainz studio. We were playing around with her paintings and she held one up in front of her face, like a mask and I took a couple of frames. From these grew the entire project and it took us in directions we did not expect".
мне показалось, что совместный проект получился более удачным, чем творчество каждого в отдельности.